Grow what you Eat and Eat what you grow

Super Delicious Plant Base Nutritional Shake

Ka’Chava is a plant-based protein powder that offers a complete and delicious blend of super foods, plant proteins, omegas, and more for your gut, brain, muscles, skin, hair, heart, and other health needs. It is vegan, gluten-free, soy-free, dairy free, and has no artificial flavors, color, or sweeteners.

Each 60g serving of Ka Chava contains 85+ super foods and nutrients, including 25g of plant protein, along with adaptogens, antioxidants, omegas, super-greens, essential vitamins and minerals plus so much more. The shake is specifically formulated to keep you full without excessive calories, and it does this by optimizing levels of protein 25g, fiber 4-7g, and healthy fats 7-8g.

Ka’Chava incorporates healthy fats from sources like coconut, chia seeds, and flax seeds. These fats provide satiety and contribute to a balanced macro nutrient profile.

They also contain essential fatty acids, such as omega-3s, which are beneficial for heart health and inflammation reduction.

The shake also contains probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria found in certain foods and supplements that are similar to the “good” bacteria naturally found in your gut. When you eat them, they can help bolster the health of your gut microbiome and, as a result, may have beneficial effects on overall health.

Prebiotics, including inulin fiber, are an essential food source for healthy bacteria in your gut, so they are also necessary for a robust and healthy gut microbiome.

Ka Chava packs 25g of plant based protein, plus electrolytes, iron, and other micro nutrients to fuel workout and support strong muscles. It is a balanced all in one super blend of nutrients for your whole body.

In summary, Ka’Chava is a healthy and nutritious shake that provides a complete blend of super foods, plant proteins, omegas, and more for your overall health and well-being.

Ka Chava is just a great addition to your daily diet and helps you achieve your health goals.

Green Dream Natural Power of Healing Herbs

Greendream is the ability to create green gardens of vegetables and herbs that have been around from the beginning of time.

They offer a natural and holistic way to enhance your health and well-being and add flavor and fragrance to your dishes. In this blog, I will share with you some of the benefits of using herbs daily, and how to choose and prepare them.

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Why Use Herbs Daily?

Herbs can provide a range of benefits for your body and mind, such as:

Boosting your immune system and fighting infections

Reducing inflammation and pain

Improving your mood and mental clarity

Balancing your hormones and metabolism

Supporting your digestion and detoxification

Enhancing your skin and hair health

Promoting relaxation and sleep quality

Herbs can help you lose weight.

There are hundreds of herbs to choose from, each with its own unique properties and effects. To find the best herbs for your needs, you can consider the following factors:

Your health goals and conditions: What are you trying to achieve or improve with herbs? Do you have any specific health issues or symptoms that you want to address? For example, if you want to boost your immunity, you can try echinacea, garlic, or ginger. If you want to reduce anxiety, you can try chamomile, lavender, or lemon balm. Some of these herbs can be grown indoors in the winter time by using Hydroponics equipment.

Your personal preferences and tastes: What kind of herbs do you like or dislike? Do you prefer sweet, bitter, spicy, or sour flavors? Do you enjoy fresh, dried, or powdered herbs? For example, if you like sweet and floral flavors, you can try rose, hibiscus, or stevia. If you like spicy and warming flavors, you can try cinnamon, turmeric, or cayenne.

Your availability and budget: How easy or difficult is it for you to access or afford herbs? Do you have a local herb store or garden, or do you need to order online? Do you have enough time and space to grow or prepare your own herbs, or do you prefer ready-made products? For example, if you have limited access or budget, you can opt for common and inexpensive herbs, such as mint, basil, or oregano. If you have more resources, you can explore exotic and rare herbs, such as saffron, vanilla, or ginkgo.

How to Prepare and Use Herbs Effectively?

There are many ways to prepare and use herbs, depending on your preferences and purposes. Some of the most common methods include:

Tea: This is one of the easiest and most popular ways to enjoy herbs. You can steep fresh or dried herbs in hot water for a few minutes, and then strain and drink. You can also add honey, lemon, or milk to enhance the flavor and benefits. Tea is ideal for soothing, hydrating, and relaxing your body and mind.

Tincture: This is a concentrated liquid extract of herbs, usually made with alcohol or glycerin. You can take a few drops of tincture under your tongue, or mix it with water or juice. A tincture is ideal for delivering potent and fast-acting effects of herbs.

Capsule: This is a convenient and standardized way to consume herbs, especially if you don’t like their taste or smell. You can swallow a capsule with water, or open it and sprinkle the powder on your food or drink. Capsule is ideal for ensuring consistent and accurate dosage of herbs.

Oil: This is a fatty liquid infused with herbs, usually made with olive, coconut, or almond oil. You can apply oil topically on your skin, hair, or nails, or massage it into your muscles or joints. You can also ingest oil orally, or use it for cooking or baking. Oil is ideal for nourishing, moisturizing, and healing your skin and hair, as well as enhancing the flavor and nutrition of your food.

Salve: This is a thick and creamy mixture of herbs, oil, and beeswax. You can apply salve on your skin, lips, or wounds, or inhale it for aromatherapy. Salve is ideal for soothing, protecting, and repairing your skin, as well as relieving congestion and headaches.


Herbs are wonderful gifts from nature that can enrich your life in many ways. By using herbs daily, you can improve your physical, mental, and emotional health, as well as enjoy their beauty and aroma. I hope this blog has inspired you to explore the world of healing herbs, and find the ones that suit you best.

Plan For A Healthy Lifestyle

1. Set Clear Goals:

  • Define what a healthy lifestyle means to you. Is it about weight loss, fitness, mental health, or overall well-being?

  • Start by envisioning where you want to be in the future. Set goals that are attainable and relevant to your life and align with your values and long-term objectives.

2. Educate Yourself:

  • Research different aspects of a healthy lifestyle, including nutrition, exercise, sleep, mental health, and stress management. Try to eat wholesome foods instead of process foods.

  • You can look for information on healthy lifestyle from reputable websites like Health line, also their are online courses about nutrition on platforms such as Udemy and Quora.

3. Consult Professionals:

  • Seek advice from healthcare professionals, nutritionists, trainers, or therapists to get personalized guidance based on your needs.

  • It’s best to seek advice from healthcare professionals when you experience new or unusual symptoms, need to manage a chronic condition, require preventive care, have questions about medications, or considering a significant lifestyle change, face mental health challenges, or dealing with pregnancy-related issues, or preparing for or recovering from a surgical procedure, or need clarification on health information, then do not hesitate to seek professional help.

4. Assess Current Habits:

  • Evaluate your current habits related to diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management. Identify areas that need improvement. Choose one small habit to change, like drinking more water, do it every day to establish a routine. Keep a log to stay motivated. Share your goals with friends or family. Celebrate small victories to keep going.

5. Make Small Changes:

  • Start with achievable goals. Small changes like adding veggies to meals, walking daily, or practicing mindfulness can lead to significant improvements. Say hello to a stranger, and ask how are you, this could be comforting, sharing is caring.

6. Balanced Diet:

  • Focus on a balanced diet including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Portion control is key. Mixing small slices of well cooked meat with your vegetables is healthy and very delicious. Cooking with lots of spices is not only tasty but good for you.

  • Turmeric is a powerful spice and is in most curry powders but a lot of people don't use these spices because it may discolor their counter top and utensils, so you do have to be careful. History tells how important herbs have been from biblical times until now.

7. Regular Exercise:

  • Find physical activities you enjoy and can sustain. Mix cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises for overall fitness. For an optimal healthy physique, incorporating a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups and promote cardiovascular health is key. Here’s a list of some of the best daily exercises you can do:

  • Lunges, Push-ups, Squats, Planks Running or Brisk Walking, Swimming Cycling.

8. Adequate Sleep:

  • Prioritize sleep. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to allow your body to rest and recover.

  • I bet you that the biggest problem about sleep is that we don't have enough time to sleep.

9. Stress Management:

  • Practice stress-relief techniques like meditation, yoga, hobbies, or simply taking breaks to relax.

  • To effectively manage stress, engage in regular physical activity like walking or yoga, which can significantly improve your mood and reduce stress levels.

  • Adopting a balanced diet with plenty of whole foods, practicing mindfulness through meditation or deep breathing exercises, Additionally, setting boundaries to create personal space, limiting screen time, and seeking social support from friends and family can help maintain a healthy mental state.

  • Remember to incorporate self-care activities that you enjoy, such as reading or pursuing hobbies, into your routine.

  • If stress becomes overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. These strategies, when combined and practiced consistently, can lead to a more relaxed, balanced life.

10. Monitor Progress:

  • Keep track of your changes and their impact on your health. Adjust your plan as needed. Write down all your progress so you can see the changes in your life.

11. Avoid Extreme Measures:

  • Steer clear of fad diets or extreme workout routines that promise quick results but can be unsustainable or harmful. Here is a powerful formula of natural herbs and fruits to provide you with the nutrients for maintaining a healthy balance body.

12. Social Support:

  • Surround yourself with supportive friends, family, or communities that encourage and motivate you.

13. Consistency is Key:

  • Stay consistent with your healthy habits. It's the small, daily choices that lead to lasting changes.