Grow what you Eat and Eat what you grow

One of the most healing relaxing hot drinks that you can enjoy is real chocolate tea.

The natural chocolate is so soothing that it can put you to sleep, my experience with drinking real unprocessed chocolate tea makes me very laid back and sleepy.

The future of home indoor gardening

The future of home indoor gardening is getting easier and more important. With less than $100 you can start your own hydroponic garden.

Breadfruit Bread On A Tree

One of the most widely used foods in tropical countries is breadfruit, it grows on a tall tree that grows so big and tall that it becomes difficult to pick them.

Breadfruit is a gluten free food that can be used as you would potatoes, it can be used in other ways, roasting, boiling, eat raw when ripe or make a delicious exotic drink.

Many of the fruits ripen and drop to the ground with a big splash, it turns into a soft cream substance like pudding. You can pick up the ripe breadfruit and eat the sweet creamy fruit.

Breadfruit turns from a starch-like food that can be boiled, and roasted, to a sweet creamy fruit, that can be used to make drinks. What a wonderful source of food.

The Old Way To Farm

In some countries, it's as if time stood still, they don't have all the modern tools that are available. People in small hot countries have good weather but poor equipment. People in the Caribbean use mainly a fork, who, and machete, the only place you may see a tractor is where you have soft soil and level land.

Working With Nature

It is just awesome and beautiful to see all the things that are in nature. You can use the plants to make useful items, build things, and most of all you not only get food to eat from nature but you get healing from all the herb.

Build your own dreams

Planting your tomato seedling is relatively easy but there is a way to help the plant grow stronger. You can put up to half of the plant underground because those little fuzzy hairs will turn into roots and make the plant grow stronger.

We need more fresh luscious vegetables in the summer or in the cold winter countries. Don't give up bring a little bit of summer inside your warm home with the help of these cool products, start your indoor garden and see how beautiful it looks in your home.

Short term and long term crops

Here are a great example of short and long term crops. We plant our vegetables hoping to receive a harvest in 1 to 3 months if we nurture and care them, after the harvest once again you will repeat the planting so you can enjoy more fresh vegetables. What if you had a food source that you could plant once and never have to plant again, well thanks to nature and bean in the tropics we have the Breadfruit tree, this is the only tree in the world where this is possible.

From your garden to your kitchen

It is so wonderful to see different types of vegetable plants growing inside when it is snowing outside, a matter of fact in times of bad weather, or disaster it is important to have a seed bank. You can set up an indoor garden with just a few items that can be delivered to your door. People in the warm climate have an advantage only because they can plant more food outside.

We are using home made fertilizer to grow our plants

No need to buy fertilizer when growing plants outdoors. I make my own and it works wonderfully.